Irish slaveholders, overseers and allied research
Bailey, Anne, The weeping time: memory and the largest slave auction in American history (New York, 2017).
Ball, Edward, Slaves in the family (New York, 1998).
Bell, Malcolm, Major Butler's legacy: five generations of a slaveholding family (Georgia, 1987).
Gleeson, David, The Irish in the South: 1815-1877 (North Carolina, 2001).
Mitchell, Arthur, South Carolina Irish (Charleston, 2011).
O'Connor, Michael, Caribbean Slave Owners and other lesser-known histories from County Mayo (Ireland, 2021).
Rodgers, Nini, Ireland: slavery and anti-slavery: 1612-1865 (Basingstoke, 2007).
Wright, Jonathan Jeffrey, (ed.) An Ulster slave-owner in the revolutionary Atlantic: the life and letters of John Black (Dublin, 2019).
Brennan, Martine, 'From Ireland to South Carolina: Irish migrant slaveholders', in History Studies Journal, University of Limerick, Vol. 22 (2021) pp132-147.
Carroll, Kenneth, 'The Irish Quaker community at Camden' in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 77:2 (Apr. 1976), pp 69-83.
Childs, St. Julien 'The first South Carolinians' in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 71:2 (April 1970), pp 101-8.
Hart, W. A. 'Africans in eighteenth-century Ireland' in Irish Historical Studies, 33:129 (May 2002), pp 19-32.
Heisser, David, ‘Bishop Lynch’s people: slaveholding by a South Carolina prelate’ in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 102:3 (July 2001), pp 238-62.
Hogan, Liam, McAtackney, Laura, and Reilly, Matthew, ‘The Irish in the AngloCaribbean: servants or slaves’ in History Ireland, 2:24 (March/April 2015).
Krebsbach, Suzanne, 'Black Catholics in Antebellum Charleston' in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 108:2 (Apr. 2007) pp 143-59.
Melvin, Patrick, 'Captain Florence O'Sullivan and the origins of South Carolina' in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 76:4 (Oct. 1975), pp 235-49.
Moore Quinn, E., ‘I have been trying very hard to be powerful “nice” …’: the correspondence of Sister M. De Sales (Brennan) during the American Civil War' in the Irish Studies Review, 18:2 (May 2010), pp 213-33.
Strum, Harvey, ‘South Carolina and Irish famine relief: 1846-7’ in The South Carolina Historical Magazine, 103:2 (April 2002), pp 130-52.
Webber, Mabel, 'The first Governor Moore and his children' in The South Carolina Histrical and Genealogical Magazine, 37:1 (1936), pp 1-23.
Unpublished work
Brennan, Martine, ‘Democratising access to the past through digital public history: digital archives, digital interpretation and the creation of the Enslavement to citizenship project’ (M.A. dissertation, University College, Limerick, 2020).
Power, Orla, 'Irish planters, Atlantic merchants: the development of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1750-1766' (PhD. dissertation, University College, Galway, 2011).
Regan, Joe, ‘Irish immigrants in the rural U.S. slave south’ (PhD. dissertation, University College, Galway, 2015).
Online articles
Brennan, Martine, 'Cousins? African American Irish and DNA insights' in the Irish Diaspora Histories Blog (June 2021) (
O'Neill, Ciaran. 'The public history of slavery in Dublin' the Sir John T. Gilbert Annual Commemorative Lecture (2021).
O'Connor, Michael, 'Caribbean slave owners with a Mayo connection (1670-1834)' (2022) (
Sheffey, Brian, 'Butler Island and Sapelo Island: enslaved ancestry research' (people enslaved by Major Pierce Butler born in Carlow) (2022) (
Brennan, Martine, 'Irish slaveholders in South Carolina 1670-1865' (2022) (