We would like to acknowledge with gratitude the research contributions of:
Steven Harper Margaret Seidler Stacy Ashmore Cole and Cindy Hines. Please consider making a research contribution to this work. This project is curated by public historian Martine Brennan, Ireland. You can follow Enslavement to citizenship on Twitter at twitter.com/saytheirnamesIr Enslavement to citizenship is indebted to the expertise shared so generously by Donna Cox-Baker and Cindy Hines of The Beyond Kin Project, Donya Williams of Calling all Branches, Brian Sheffey of Genealogy Adventures and Stacy Ashmore Cole of They had names. Calling all Branches www.facebook.com/groups/849084695209183/ Genealogy Adventures genealogyadventures.net/ The Beyond Kin Project beyondkin.org/ They had names theyhadnames.net/ Since this project is a public history project created to make it easier for African American families to find their ancestors, the research material is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License so that it will remain free of charge. This means, You are free to:
Enslavement to citizenship: African Americans in Irish Slaveholder records by Martine Brennan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.